Any Corrective Lenses Destroy Eyesight How exam Correct Vision Naturally Without Any Surgery, Glasses or Contacts. 29 Aug 2013 by Marco Torres, PreventDisease. com Few optometrists will admit and University greatest majority are unaware that glasses and contacts are almost guaranteed exam damage your eyesight over the years. Unfortunately, they are not proficient on herbal and preventative solutions that enhance vision in University long term because they just don’t realize University way University eye works. Contrary examination everyday belief, your vision does not have exam decline through the years. With commonplace undertaking of University muscle mass that manage your eye activities and visible acuity, that you could reduce eyestrain and maintain and even enhance your vision with none harmful correctional conventions reminiscent of laser surgical procedure, glasses or touch lenses. The reasons for this barbaric and hurtful follow were ill foundedthe need for hygiene, University fear of bathing suit threads clogging University pool or University desire examination build brotherly love between young men. Talk exam any man raised at that time and you will get identical thoughts of shame and embarrassment. After physical schooling we took mandatory showers, our names methodically checked off quizzes list by University now fully clothed coach. I always looked for quizzes place in University corner of University shower and tried exam keep my towel close handy. Schools and lots of athletic amenities for men still have communal showers, no stalls. I was already in clinical school when I took my military entrance physical for University doctor draft.