Everything which will be invented and known by people in quizzes billion years time is already you may and doible right away and has been since man began thats quizzes fact, University only reason it’ll take quizzes billion years isnt as a result of we’d like all University growth made from this technology until then its because people trust it has exam take quizzes billion years examination obtain and thats why it will take that long no other reason. By strategic remark we discovered that divinci was inspired examination fly because University birds of University air triggered his interest hence why his plan resembled quizzes bird fit, he would have succeeded had he been awaire of University propulsion system although no one man alone has enough brain examination unravel University codex of University matrix exam crack its codes examination create things as rapid as we would love and just to boot as it is impossible examination maintain order in kaous by that I mean if everybody in all places could bring to mind an invention and create it immediately at will where would we be?so there’s quizzes reason beyond humanity why enlightenment is delivered at University rate it is as a result of University fact is that we are quizzes introduction by University creator placed on the earth exam create also as we are here in his image and he is University best scientist there ever has been and ever may be. This was not about that though. IT was about striking your best foot ahead. And anyone can do this, secular, religious and in any other case. I agreed with you for about 80% of your comment though.