How we treat men and boys and their wellness, has way more exam do with male aggression and violence than testosterone. A major contradiction society has with male violence that feminists fail examination acknowledge, is that we are actually quite happy for men exam be violent so long as it serves societies needs and protects women. We have forced men through conscription examination fight one another in wars and then feminists blame men for being violent in wars men were forced examination take part in. This is despite University fact hundreds of thousands of men had no choice in University matter. I also note feminists are silent on University indirect violence women start up by getting men exam be violent for them like women hiring hitmen examination murder their husbands, which in reality happens more often than people think and University mental and social violence of women women and girls often bully one another this kind and it can drive other girls exam suicide. The misuse of University legal system as quizzes weapon in divorce and family court examination marginalise countless fathers and alienate kids from their dads, can also be quizzes common form of female violence in society that’s not diagnosed as University violence that it is.